The time has come for us to face Qian Shou, The Living Legend, in her most merciless form! This week we will be starting a community event where all of us will work together to take her down and restore balance to the Arena!

Qian Shou, the embodiment of a thousand hands, descended from the will of a benevolent goddess from eastern culture. Once she was a warrior known to uphold the mantra of mercy, but now, barely a trace of her old self remains. Immortality has not been kind to Qian Shou. As she lost those she cared about, one by one, her soul was stained by grief, indifference, and cold-heartedness… Eons have passed, and all that remains is simply a husk of strength, searching for a worthy opponent to end her suffering.
Raid on the Living Legend
This event will start after the patch on the 3rd of February. Discord community members will have first access to the event by unlocking EXTRA mode through the code (more details about EXTRA mode can be found in the announcements). Qian Shou will be supercharged with an enormous amount of health and it will take everyone's efforts to defeat her! Every raid, she will have 99 health, and it is up to you to survive her slashing ribbons while continuously damaging her in any way possible. The goal is to inflict as much damage as possible consistently. Every point of damage will contribute to diminishing her server-wide health counter, and all champions will gain rewards when we reach certain milestones! The first goal is to reach a total of 10,000 damage. The reward is new cards which will become available to all players, creating exciting new deck-building opportunities. More details about future milestones and rewards will be revealed later, as the Living Legend event moves into the second phase.
Every player character must utilize different tools in this bloody battle. Crystal may want to use her Frozen mechanic to buy herself time as she power-ups her mana and arcane resonance, while Redeye may be trying to Leech as frequently as possible in order to survive and do damage at the same time. We have only scratched the surface of possibilities here in the studio, so we look forward to finding out what the community will do in this challenge! A high score counter is available for every player character, so you can keep track of your achievements as well as see what the current server-wide high score is.
Aim for the top and together we will topple the giant! See you all soon!